Saturday, January 31, 2009
This is the tree out behind our pool area - it is now laying on flat on the ground...
This is the picture out of our bedroom window - hanging off the roof! My favorite!
Praise the Lord we were only out of electricity for about 26 hours - my parents are still without it. It's really an eye opener when you stop & realize just how much our life revolves around flipping on a light switch, pressing the remote control button! We were in bed almost as soon as it got dark - our house is all electric and it got cold quickly. Several times I heard the girls saying "This is just like Little House on the Prairie" We went to Dollar General & stocked up on canned foods [V. Weenies, Potted Meat, Canned Ham etc] bought a b.b.q grilled and cooked supper on the porch in weather in the teens... It was crazy and fun... I think my favorite part was being out of school - I love my job of 19 years but to just be home - not having to worry about going somewhere, no routines and schedules was a much needed relief - & like I told the kids in 6 months from now we'll be hanging out in our back yard -- I CAN'T WAIT...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Something is always....
in the oven at our house!!! Momma called Wednesday & said she was craving some homemade Chicken Corn Don Blue.... So, I [yes, I said I....] put on my Betty Crocker apron and just whipped it right up! I think pounding the chicken was equivalent to a full hour gym workout! WHEW...
Jeff always talks about the "Sunday Afternoon PotRoast" his Grandma Spearman use to make so I [yes, Note AGAIN I said I] stopped at Harp's got the biggest roast I could find - cut up 3 pounds of potatoes, added some carrots, celery, onions and beef boult. cubes and stuck this monster in the oven. It smelt so good when we walked in from church...
I also made some "Lemon Sugar Cookies" with royal icing but couldn't get the photo to down-load... Yes, I know I am turning into quite the Little Miss Suzie Homemaker!!! :) Whoot..Whoot!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Look Who Is....
wrapped around her little finger.......
I love the precious relationship between Kapriel & her "pap-paw"
Where you see Jeff - you will see Kapriel. She follows him thru the house all day long -
& I bet we must hear "pap-paw" 100 times a day! It is so sweet.
It blesses me to know that this little girls "pap-paw" will teach her Godly ways!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Look what is for ....
breakfast at our house each weekend....
Jeff loves to cook & Saturday morning breakfasts are always a treat at our house. This past weekend he made us homemade waffles with chocolate chip ice-cream, 2 scoops of cool whip - chocolate drizzles & a cherry on top! Can you say GOOD!!! :)Kapriel waiting to dig in-!!! Notice the extra cherries - yes, her pap-paw spoils her!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
More Arts/Crafts....
These were some of the projects I made this weekend.... I didn't take photos of all of them - these were just a few of my favs... The first 2 are notepads...the last is a "Doggie Poop Bag" [you put doogie poo bags in it & can take it w/ you when you take your dogs for walk at the park etc...] I had a blast making all of them. If you are interested in ordering in for yourself or as gifts for friends etc... Let me know!!! I think Jeff is ready for spring to get here so I can put some of this energy outside working in the flower beds.... He said if it stays cooler much longer he is going to go broke... haha
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Who I...
am blessed to begin & end my day with..
Soon I will be married to this precious man [2/6] for 23 years & every day he continues to amaze me :
By his love - it is never ending & still gives me the warm fuzzies...
His patience - With 8 kids, 1 grand-daughter, 2 dogs & 2 turtles it is abundant...
His understanding - trust me I can do alot of "crazy things"...
His gentle nature - the most comfortable feeling..
His strength - he is my solid rock
His Faith - his devotion & love for our Heavenly Father is an example for our whole family
Alot of people ask me "how we can work together & be around each other 24/7" which we have done for the past 4 years and I can honestly tell you - it just blesses my soul to be with him. I can't imagine anyone I would rather be with than the man of my dreams. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love being his wife and the mother of his children. With him I have so many priceless memories and I don't want a day to ever go by without him knowing how much I really do love him. Where all this is coming from - I don't know but today God has just laid it on my heart to really stop and realize what he is blessed me with & Lord, I do & I thank you!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wing Eating Contest
All day Sunday "the boys" kept hinting around that they wanted me to cook them some "Hot Wings" I went down to Harps and bought 3 huge packages of Wings & made them "hot", "super hot" and "hotter than heck" Here is Jeff getting started... You see I made them each take 1 out of the different bowls and try them - but I wouldn't tell them which was which...

Here what "the boys" sat down to... 3 different types of wings w/ 3 different types of dipping sauce.
Jeff deciding which one to try first...
WHEW... Think their mouths are on fire!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
What I've been working on!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Who is reading my blog from Sheridan Arkansas? I think I know WHO YOU ARE.... Post a comment - if I don't hear from you I am going to go to a "Private Blog" and only those that are invited will be able to view!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
"Poop Happens"

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Meet My Grandson[s]
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's Survey - What's Yours?
- What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before? I opened a consignment clothing store but had to close it in November due to back problems!
- Did you keep your previous New Year's resolutions, and will you make new ones for next year? I kept some of them and my new resolution is to just get fit & be healthy.
- Did anyone you know give birth? Yes& 6 more due this year!
- Did anyone close to you die? Yes-My precious grandmother
- What countries did you visit? None
- What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? To be more spiritual
- What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? March 1 - my grandmother went to be w/the Lord
- What was your biggest achievement of the year? Not going insane from having 6 kids, 2 dogs, 2 turtles & a husband in the house... JUST KIDDING!!!
- Did you suffer from illness or injury? Yes - Broken bone in my back
What was the best thing you bought? Any of the arts/crafts in my already overstuffed/crowded craft room! - Did your behavior change over the year? Yes, and I think for the better
- Where did most of your money go? House & Car
- What did you get really excited about? Going on vacation w/ my husband,son & grand-daughter
- Compared to this time last year, are you Richer or poorer? Think I am about the same
- Did you fall in love? I've been in love w/ the man of my dreams since high school!
- What was your favorite TV program? House
- What was the best book you read? The Power of a Positive Mom by Karol Ladd
- What was your favorite film of the year? Step-Brothers
- Thinner or fatter? 20 pounds thinner but 30 more to go
- What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 47 - Jeff made birthday dinner for me & we celebrated w/ my family
- What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Just the love of my family & friends
- How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? COMFORTABLE
- What kept you sane? My husband's love
- What political issue stirred you the most? Sorry - none
- What was the best new person you met? Rhonda L.
- What is a valuable lesson you learned in 2008? To truly forgive you must also forget
Would love to hear everyone elses!!
This little face..

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Rollin' in the New Years at the In-Laws

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