Saturday, December 12, 2009
3 Generations

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thankful = Blessed
Monday, July 27, 2009
Summer Vacation

Saturday, June 27, 2009
They Got it ....
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My Daddy....

Friday, June 19, 2009
Devil's Den State Park

The boys enjoying their "picnic dinner"

2 weeks ago after church we took a trip over to Devil's Den for "something different to do" - We were lucky to grab the last picnic available -- enjoyed some good 'ole sandwiches & chips. Afterwards the kids played on the playground for a bit than off to the paddle boats. Kapriel was a little scared to get on at first but Uncle Chance assured her that it was fun! They had a blast!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My cup runneth ..... OVER

Thank you Heavenly Father for creating my soul mate & for bringing us together.
May we continue to grow in your love & may it glorify you.
Monday, June 15, 2009
My GIRL...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Last Year....
I have been carrying around a box of kleenex for the past week ... Chance is going to be a SENIOR this year.... I keep thinking geez.... WHERE has the time gone.... 17 years ago I was carrying him around in my tummy.... NOW he is a SENIOR, drives, doesn't need me to "baby" him anymore.... I also feel sad because I know how much momma would have loved to see him graduate... she was so proud of the girls when they did & took so many pictures....
He doesn't even come close to realizing how much his life will change after his SENIOR YEAR... but I guess that is the beauty of youth!!!
Enjoy your year "my little man" --- you deserve it!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
How Much Longer....
Until the pain of not having your here - doesn't take my breath away...
Until my daddy doesn't cry almost non stop from missing you...
Until I quit going to the phone to call you - only upon dialing realize you won't answer...
Until seeing something I know you would like - but can't share with you, hearing something I know you would think funny & hear you laugh, smelling something that brings back a memory of a time we shared....
Until seeing "Mother's Day Gifts" in the store won't remind me that I can't get you a gift this year...
Until walking into my "childhood home" & not feeling gut punched because you aren't sitting there in your favorite chair...
Until I no longer feel like I have to be the "strong & encouraging one" for those around me - because I know it is what you would want me to be...
Until I don't cry myself to sleep anymore ...
Until I don't feel like I have to go to the gravesite every Saturday & stand by your grave & cry out for you my precious MOMMA...
How much longer ... How much longer.... How much longer.... UNTIL THIS PAIN GOES AWAY..
Friday, March 27, 2009
Living A Dream...
Corners in the room! Love it! The walls are "Cowslip" - Kinda of a buttery cream. The ceiling trim & baseboards are white!

Ahhhhhh. My favorite. I love this big bed... It's sooo super comfy .... The comforter, pillows, sheets, pillowcases I got from J.C Penny's...

My night stand - It only came with one so we have ordered another one - hopefully it will be here by the end of next week! The wood floor is another favorite - it looks so much better than the yucky ole brown grody carpet!

This is the view to our bedroom as we walk out of the master bath...
I am soooo pleased with the way the room turned out - Please leave me a comment & let me know what you think!!!Thursday, March 26, 2009
Goodbye Cowboy Boot Brown , Sleigh Furniture...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A beautiful day
Kapriel is on spring break this week - it has been a blessing to have her here with us and help us keep our mind on her & not dwell as much on our loss.
I hope everyone has enjoyed today as much as I have.
God Bless
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thank You...
I want to share the poem that I wrote for my momma...
I can't see you
But I know you're here
I carry my memories
In my heart - very near.
I miss you with every breath
And your precious face
There is no one that could ever
Take your place.
A childhood of memories
By a life so blessed
Being your daughter
Is simply the best.
Your with Jesus now momma
Your body is whole
But it doesn't make it any easier
To let you go.
You gave me everything
You gave me life
You were my momma
And my daddy's wife.
In God I find comfort
Just as you did
Peace comes from knowing
And being a Kings Kid.
I'll see you again
My goal - Heaven Bound
You'll know I'm coming
By my "halleuiah" sound.
Flutter your angel wings
Eat brownies galore
Rest peacefully now my momma
Your inside Heaven's door.
Teresa "Sissy"
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I will remember you....
She was surrounded by my dad, my brother, my aunt, a special friend, Ms. Betty,a grand-daughter, my husband & myself. We held her hand & prayed for her as she departed this world. We know she is in a much better place - but we struggle with not having her here. I already miss so many things about her...
Please pray for strength, comfort & peace for my daddy. They were married for 48 years - his heart is truly broken.
Visitation will be on Monday, March 9th from 5-7p at Moore's Funeral Home
Funeral services will be on Tuesday, March 10th @ 10a at Black Oak Church of Christ.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My First Award....
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My baby is ready!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
I need Your HELP...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Cancer Changes Everything
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Bren - "DAWG"
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine KING
First off let me begin by saying that my grandfather is a 86 year old patient at a local nursing home. He was married to my sweet-sweet grandmother for 55 years until she went to be with the Lord on 6/20/00 - my daddy is an only child - he married my precious momma almost 48 years ago and they had my brother & myself... Being the ONLY grand-daughter I was very-very close to my grandmother - I say with pride that she spoiled me rotten! Every single time I go to see my grandfather - I am a rememberance of Grandma & he cries.... he had a stroke almost 5 years ago and is not able to talk & does not have the use of his right arm or leg. My grandpa is the only grandparent that I have left on this earth - he is very special to me. I feel guilty that with my busy life I don't spend as much time with him as I should - this week I vowed to change that. When I arrive he cries, while I am there he cries & when I leave he cries... the whole time saying "day - oh - day" which he means "Stay All Day" It breaks my heart - but grandpa I am going to start "Day Oh Day" with you several times a month in addition to other little mini visits.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
23 years...
On February 6, 1986 I became Mrs. Jeff Graves.... Jeff was in the Army stationed in Germany - he arrived back in the states on Feb. 5th,1986 & we were married the next day at Baptist Ford Church in Greenland, Ar... we left on 2/7 headed to Augusta, Georgia where he was staioned at Ft. Gordon. We lived there for 3 years until he got out of the Army. I totally love looking at this photo - I thought I couldn't love him anymore but I look at it now and realize just how young we really were... [23 & 25] if someone would have told me I was wrong that I would love him more - in fact everyday and that we would be the parents of 8 kids [5 adopted] I think we both would have cracked up laughing! I had so much fun planning our wedding & reception - he could only call me on Saturday mornings so I tried to cram all I could in those phone conversations....I wrote him daily. The letters we have saved from the 9 months he was in Germany are boxeand put away.... Priceless and precious are these
Flash forward 23 years later - Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Graves.... older, a little chunkier and still just as in LOVE... the parents of 8, pap-paw & Gigi to a 6 year old... We are so blessed. When I woke up this morning I told Jeff I really didn't "feel that old"
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Random Things...
Thank you Jesus!

Here are 4 more notebooks I made!!!

Chance cooking on the front porch during the Ice-Storm!!! Yummy!!!

Lemon Sugar Cookies w/ Royal Icing!!! Super YUMMY!!!!